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Fugawees 800 # is sick

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 Fugawee’s 800 phone service has been out for the last three weeks!!! This is due to a problem with Comcast Business services being unable to complete a phone number move (see ticket CR904482362).  The number is ringing but to the wrong phone number as of this writing. Please call back if you couldn’t get ahold of us.

Please call the Mian line 850-745-6340

Over at my Mother’s Nancy’s house, she is one of the Fugawee founders and matriarch,  now 90. I Had her fax line only turned off. But,, Comcast disconnected both phone lines and internet from my 90-year-old motherhouse after being told Fugawee pays for the service so she will not go without. I got some beautiful sympathy for doing that for my mom. But still, all services were disconnected leaving her without communications at all (she lives alone). We gave her my wife’s Jennifers smartphone with web access so she could call for help, god forbid. and yes we put her email on it too.

She is now a Century link customer.

What Happened:

We are moving Fugawees 1-800-605-8280 number to our main number at the Wearhouse.

I have been trying to downsize Fugawees overhead, so I can keep the family business open. Making this a miserable process of one painful task after another. I had to close some services with Comcast and move the 1 800 line to the Wearhouse.

So yes, I am upset at the unknown loss of business and at almost four hours of phone time and numerous calls for help.

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